CrossAsia Talk #7: Illustrated Architecture (Birgit Tsuchiya & Bernhard Strackenbrock): 3D Digitization of the Typographia Sinica (1. Dec. 2022, 6 pm EST)

On December 1st, 6pm EST, Birgit Tsuchiya and Bernhard Strackenbrock from Illustrated Architecture will present how they used photogrammetry for producing a 3D model of the Typographia Sinica, an oak cabinet with ten drawers filled with over 3,000 wood cubes carved with Chinese character reliefs presented by Andreas Müller (1630-1694) in 1685 on his retirement from office to the Electoral Library (Kurfürstliche Bibliothek; nowadays Staatsbibliothek zu Berlin). Illustrated Architecture will demonstrate what it means when the work on the „picture conserve“ can be re-engineered over generations, again and again, and how it can be used for high-quality presentations of museum objects.
The lecture will be held in German. If you are in the area we hope you can join us in person at the Simone-Bolivar-Saal at Staatsbibliothek zu Berlin, Potsdamer Str. 33. In case you can come in person, please register at
The lecture will also be streamed (see link below) and filmed.*
You can find all previous and already announced future lectures here and on our CrossAsia Blog and on Twitter.
On 1 December from 6 p.m., Illustrated Architecture (Birgit Tsuchiya und Bernhard Strackenbrock) will present their lecture „Die 3D Digitalisierung der Typographia Sinica unter Einsatz der Fotogrammmetrie“ at Simon Bolivar-Saal (Potsdamer Straße 33, 10785 Berlin).
Andreas Müller (1630-1694), provost of St. Nikolai in Berlin and an early specialist for, a.o., the Chinese language, presented as a gift the Typographia Sinica to the Electoral Library (Kurfürstliche Bibliothek) on the occasion of his retirement from office in 1685. The Typographia Sinica is a small cabinet made from solid oak, which contains more than 3,000 print types in ten drawers, engraved on one side with Chinese characters and, on the other side, showing numbers written in ink.
The Typographia Sinica is presently, and at least for five years, on public display in the Humboldt Forum in Berlin in the context of the exhibition area Traces of Place. In summer 2019, the Typographia Sinica has been digitised by the company Illustrated Architecture. The photogrammmetric technology employed will be addressed in this lecture.
Photogrammetry was developed almost simultaneously with photography as early as the 1860s. While it has been used for the production of 3D models for around seventy years, it is today the oldest and, for many objects, the most efficient method of creating 3D digital copies. Differing from all the newer methods which employ laser or modelled light, this is a two-step process: First, an image preservation of the object is produced, followed by a transformation into the 3D model with the following calculation. In the easiest case, every smartphone can be used today as a 3D sensor. During the last five years, due to the massive use of photogrammetry in the film- and gaming industries, there was a quantum leap regarding the quality of the required evaluation software, with a simultaneous significant decrease in software costs.
Taking the Typographia Sinica as an example, the presentation will be demonstrated how photogrammetry can be used to digitise 3D museum exhibits, as well as what it means when the work on the „picture conserve“ can be re-engineered over generations, again and again, and how the development of the gaming software can be used also for high-quality presentations.
Source d’information :
H-Net: Humanities & Social Sciences Online
OpenEdition vous propose de citer ce billet de la manière suivante :
Shueh-Ying LIAO (24 novembre 2022). CrossAsia Talk #7: Illustrated Architecture (Birgit Tsuchiya & Bernhard Strackenbrock): 3D Digitization of the Typographia Sinica (1. Dec. 2022, 6 pm EST). Carnet hypothèses du consortium Huma-Num DISTAM (DIgital STudies Africa, Asia, Middle East). Consulté le 6 février 2025 à l’adresse